Juneteenth: No ‘Emancipation Day’, Instead, the Lefticrats Title New Federal Holiday as ‘National Independence Day’

Separate, but equal. Didn’t we try that once before?

Remember, no 4th of July. no Juneteenth… 

I’ll be honest. I’d never even heard of Juneteenth until a couple of years back. I eventually started to notice quite a few black bikers who would roll through town to rally every June 19th down in nearby Myrtle Beach. Of course, the rally was to commemorate the announcement of the end to chattel slavery.

Continue reading Juneteenth: No ‘Emancipation Day’, Instead, the Lefticrats Title New Federal Holiday as ‘National Independence Day’

(VIDEO) Enough is Enough: Buckhead Area of the City of Atlanta Seeks a Political ‘Divorce’

Buckhead skyline.


I guess it was just a matter of time. Not the first, and certainly not the last, a section of a major metropolitan city is seeking to break-away from the same to establish a city of their own.

Continue reading (VIDEO) Enough is Enough: Buckhead Area of the City of Atlanta Seeks a Political ‘Divorce’

(VIDEO) Payback for MTG: Additional Reason to Flip the House in 2022

Be carful that you don’t give your money to a RINO…

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sick of the Republican Party always trying to appear as the good guy. Seriously… enough of this “take the highroad” bullshit.

Continue reading (VIDEO) Payback for MTG: Additional Reason to Flip the House in 2022

Painful To Watch: Biden Freezes When Asked if Putin ‘Is a Killer?’

Choose a lane, moron…

Here we go again… Joe Chi Minh pops-off like he’s some sort of a tough guy, then when called on it, freezes up.

Continue reading Painful To Watch: Biden Freezes When Asked if Putin ‘Is a Killer?’

Another Case of Arkancide? Reporter of ‘Tarmac Meeting’ Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch Found Dead

“My family received significant death threats…” – Chris Sign.

The list of people in Bill and Hillary Clinton’s orbit that have either “committed suicide” or died under mysterious circumstances is wide, varied, and in the opinion of more than a few people, worthy of further criminal investigations.

Continue reading Another Case of Arkancide? Reporter of ‘Tarmac Meeting’ Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch Found Dead

Arizona State Senator Warns Biden’s AG, ‘Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines’ he will ‘Spend Time in an Arizona Prison’

Never mind the estimated 250,000 illegal aliens that have poured into this nation since Jan. 20th; pay no attention to the 21st century sexual-slavery trade taking place place with Joe Chi Minh’s approval; and please look the other way while our children must attend eight-hours of government indoctrination five days a week.

Continue reading Arizona State Senator Warns Biden’s AG, ‘Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines’ he will ‘Spend Time in an Arizona Prison’

Chairman Joint Chiefs Claims Climate Change is ‘Serious Threat’ to US: So What? Little Known FACTS Regarding JCS

These guys are in-charge of two things, “Jack” and “Shit”… and Jack just left town.

I’ve posted about this before, and much like a stalker ex-girlfriend, this gigantic pain in the ass keeps showing up. Sadly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are again all in the headlines. Continue reading Chairman Joint Chiefs Claims Climate Change is ‘Serious Threat’ to US: So What? Little Known FACTS Regarding JCS

Disturbing Video of Jill and Chou: ‘Joe, Pay Attention’, Even Stranger Interview Regarding Dead Wife

Who’s the boss?

And why is it that his “stuttering” only manifested itself when he adopted the Grampa Joe persona?

While speaking to a group of American Air Force pukes at the US/UK base of RAF Mildenhall, tucked-away in a sparsely populated corner of Suffolk County, England, Jill Biden very well may have revealed more than she meant to. Continue reading Disturbing Video of Jill and Chou: ‘Joe, Pay Attention’, Even Stranger Interview Regarding Dead Wife

(VIDEO) Fauci Flips-Out: God Complex Showing, ‘Attacks On Me Are Attacks On Science’

When it comes to Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, there are only two things that I’m absolutely, 100 percent certain of;

  1. He’s proof that a minor bureaucrat can cost a nation not only hundreds of thousands of lives, but trillions of dollars as well.
  2. Forget about a simple Messiah Complex, Fauci has a full-blown God Complex.
    Continue reading (VIDEO) Fauci Flips-Out: God Complex Showing, ‘Attacks On Me Are Attacks On Science’