Have you pretty much given up all hope for a zombie apocalypse? Especially with the past few seasons of The Walking Dead sucking mightily, who wouldn’t? Continue reading (VIDEO) This Doesn’t Bode Well: Discovered in a Tibetan Glacier, Scientists Find 33 Viruses Nearly 15,000 Years Old
It’s Official: Sen. Rand Paul Referred Charges Against Fauci to DoJ for Lying to Congress
Oh, this is getting fun. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has just pulled Dr. Anthony Fauci’s punk card. Continue reading It’s Official: Sen. Rand Paul Referred Charges Against Fauci to DoJ for Lying to Congress
Tokyo Olympics and COVID: Japan Unveils ‘Anti-Sex’ Beds
Call it what you will, but those wild and whacky Olympic athletes are renown for being libidinous, salacious… even just plain old horny. Continue reading Tokyo Olympics and COVID: Japan Unveils ‘Anti-Sex’ Beds
(VIDEO) I Guess This Makes Me Anti-Dance Class: Biden Explains $90 BILLION for Dance Lessons
“What state are you from? I’m from the Welfare State!”
As any poker player will tell you, anyone who touches their face during any given hand is bluffing, also known as lying. That’s exactly what Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung has done during his Stepford press conference today. Continue reading (VIDEO) I Guess This Makes Me Anti-Dance Class: Biden Explains $90 BILLION for Dance Lessons
(VIDEO) Sen. Marco Rubio Offers to Send BLM Leaders to Communist Cuba
I it just me, or does anyone else find it odd that the BLM and Antifa thugs haven’t made their way down to Miami, Tampa, Sarasota, or any of the other Florida cities and towns where thousands upon thousands of pro-freedom marchers share their solidarity with the oppressed people of communist-ruled Cuba? Continue reading (VIDEO) Sen. Marco Rubio Offers to Send BLM Leaders to Communist Cuba
Buckle-Up, Young People: Biden’s ‘Misery Index’ Makes a Comeback
Young folks may not be familiar with what exactly the misery index is, but rest assured… Thanks to the Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung, they’re about to get quick education. Continue reading Buckle-Up, Young People: Biden’s ‘Misery Index’ Makes a Comeback
Turning Dead People into Compost: Already Legal in Colo, Wash and Ore; Calif and NY Consider Legalization
In yet another move to dehumanize humanity, some of the most liberal states have already made legal turning Grandad, Aunt Suzie and cousin Fred into compost. Thankfully, at least those particular states will wait until the aforementioned individuals are dead first. *Sarcasm, off* Continue reading Turning Dead People into Compost: Already Legal in Colo, Wash and Ore; Calif and NY Consider Legalization
Out From Under his Rock: Georgia RINO Raffensperger FINALLY Admits to Vote Counting ‘Failures’
Does anyone remember not all that long ago when one of the biggest RINOs south of the Mason-Dixon line claimed to the American people that the Peach State’s 2020 presidential election was just as pure and true as his momma’s sweet tea? Continue reading Out From Under his Rock: Georgia RINO Raffensperger FINALLY Admits to Vote Counting ‘Failures’
More Stunning News: Fulton County, GA 2020 Audit ‘Hand Recount was Wrong by 60%’
Lefticrat media totally ignoring this…
Just a few short weeks ago, the Establishment Media was figuratively jumping for joy when Georgia Superior Court Judge Brian Amero dismissed seven out of nine claims by Garland Favorito and his grassroots organization, Voter GA. Continue reading More Stunning News: Fulton County, GA 2020 Audit ‘Hand Recount was Wrong by 60%’
Bombshell News: Pres. Trump Releases PROOF that AG Barr ORDERED Cover-Up into 2020 Election Crimes in Pennsylvania
With news like this hitting the public, the Lefticrats must undeniably be filling their trousers with that special tapioca they usually retain only between their ears. Continue reading Bombshell News: Pres. Trump Releases PROOF that AG Barr ORDERED Cover-Up into 2020 Election Crimes in Pennsylvania