Deep State Goes Full Third-World Dictatorship – Throws Trump Off Colorado Ballot

In spite of President Trump never being found guilty in any trial even remotely close to insurrection and/or treason, the Colorado State Supreme Court decided that President Trump violated the US Constitution three years ago.

As reported by Joe Mueller of the Washington Examiner via;

The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled former President Donald Trump should not appear on the state’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.

In a 4-3 decision, the state’s highest court ruled Trump is “disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” In a 213-page document, the justices, all appointed by Democrat governors, overruled a Colorado District Court decision by Judge Sarah Wallace stating Trump’s speech on Jan. 6 “incited imminent lawless violence” but didn’t meet the definition of “engagement” found in the 14th Amendment.

It doesn’t end there.

The ruling stated the court’s admission of 31 findings from the “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol” was appropriate.

You mean the same Select Committe that was hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi? That one…?

“Under the deferential standard of review that governs, we perceive no error by the district court in admitting portions of the report into evidence at trial,” the justices wrote.

Of course, they didn’t. Everyone knows that Stalin-esque show trials are a prerequisite for keeping your main competition from replacing you.

The justices also wrote the definitions of “engaged in” and “insurrection” aren’t defined in the U.S. Constitution.

Hmmm… so STATE Supreme Courts decide how the US Constitution should be interpreted?

How interesting.

What Happens When You ‘F**k With a Biden’; Team Joe’s Regulatory Harassment of Elon Musk

“No one f*cks with a Biden.” – Joe Biden. 5 Oct, 2022.

No, no, no. How dare Elon Musk buy Twitter. Then have the audacity to actually open the social media platform to allow free speech.

Goodness, gracious. The Leftie wailing and gnashing of teeth has been ratcheted up all the way to 11. Continue reading What Happens When You ‘F**k With a Biden’; Team Joe’s Regulatory Harassment of Elon Musk

Archbishop Viganò Says the Quiet Part Out-Loud; Francis is ‘False Prophet’ and Guilty of ‘All-Out Apostasy’

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted June 11 that he was “honored” by an open letter written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who served as nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016. In the letter, the former nuncio claimed that lockdown restrictions and unrest in the United States were part of a plot to establish a new world order. (Photo: Twitter)

Accusing Bergoglio (Francis) of being a “false prophet” who’s leading the “final persecution” of the Church…

Other than being one of President Trump’s most hard-core international supporters has just gone with the nuclear option. Continue reading Archbishop Viganò Says the Quiet Part Out-Loud; Francis is ‘False Prophet’ and Guilty of ‘All-Out Apostasy’

In Spite of Dems Screaming that Trump will ‘Destroy Democracy,’ it’s the Dems Arguing to Kill the Primaries

The mantra/war cry of Democrats from Key West, Florida, to Nome, Alaska, has been that Trump and every American who’s embraced what’s popularly known as ‘the MAGA movement’ are now threats to the very basics of American democracy. Continue reading In Spite of Dems Screaming that Trump will ‘Destroy Democracy,’ it’s the Dems Arguing to Kill the Primaries

Menthol Smokes are Racist; Al Sharpton Barks, Joe Biden Jumps

Joe Biden made an awful lot of noise about banning menthol cigarettes. Well, that was until certain Poverty Pimps decided that the very same ban is somehow racist.

Of course, the list of usual suspects is reliably the same old professional race baiters;

  • The ACLU
  • The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
  • Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network

Reliably, once the Klan with a Tan barked, Biden jumped.

Just me, but I’d be willing to bet that Biden only asked two questions;

  1. How high?
  2. When can I come down?

With that aside, in a rather interesting article from WMAY out of Springfield, IL;

The Biden administration is putting off its plan to ban menthol cigarettes until next March after an aggressive lobbying push by civil rights groups — some sponsored by Big Tobacco — who argued a ban would unfairly target Black smokers.

The delay, acknowledged in an online posting Wednesday, is a major defeat for health advocates who have been pushing for years to limit access to menthol cigarettes, which are aggressively marketed in Black communities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, menthol can enhance the addictive effects of cigarettes and make it harder to quit.

“We can’t reduce tobacco use and associated disease and death without eliminating menthol as a flavor. That’s really the next step,” said Chrissie Juliano, executive director of the Big Cities Health Coalition, which represents city health departments across the country.

The Biden administration had seemed on board with restricting the sale of menthol cigarettes, with the Food and Drug Administration proposing the ban in April 2022. A final rule was supposed to be released in August. When a final rule was sent to the White House budget office this fall, advocates believed they were close to the finish line.

But in private phone calls, civil rights groups including the ACLU; the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, or NOBLE; and Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network warned the White House against the plan, with some officials suggesting that a regulatory crackdown could harm President Joe Biden’s reelection chances with Black voters.

A senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivities involved, confirmed that the delay was the result of those conversations.

Sharpton’s National Action Network says it participated in phone calls with the White House because it believes the menthol ban would have unintended consequences. A spokesperson did not answer questions about whether tobacco companies sponsor the organization.

“National Action Network has taken the position that, unless there are real safeguards against criminal prosecution of Black and Brown communities, the proposed menthol ban will have unintended consequences,” according to a statement shared with ABC News. “This position was taken after working with Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner; attorney Ben Crump; and the ACLU. NAN is also not opposed to a ban on all cigarettes.” (Eric Garner, a 43-year-old Black man, died in 2014 after being placed in a police chokehold while being arrested on Staten Island in a dispute over selling loose cigarettes.)