When I first heard of Pelosi’s latest truth-slip, I was actually comparing prices for silver and gold. I’ll admit it, my faith in government-issued paper money is nosediving by the minute.
Don’t forget, Nixon took the US dollar off of the gold standard decades ago. Any muscle behind our dollar is based on nothing more than the power of the US economy.
Call it what you will; Choking the Chechen; Oiling your AK; Polishing the Potemkin; Beating the Boyar… whatever. The bottom line is that pornography-on-line is big business in Russia.
The below tweet sent out by the Ukrainian news site, Українська правда (Ukrainian Truth), is letting the world know that the Moscow-backed Wagner mercenary group is recruiting on PornHub.
Isn’t it Putin who’s always slamming us for being degenerates.
Anyhow, but as reported by the New York Post, they translate the actual message on the ad;
Russia’s Wagner mercenary group is so hard-pressed to replenish its ranks depleted by months of bloody battles in Ukraine that it has turned to Pornhub to recruit soldiers.
“Is always moose and squirrel.”
The private army, founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has placed a highly suggestive ad on the popular porn site, urging male viewers to stop pleasuring themselves and instead apply for a job at Wagner.
In the commercial, a blonde woman wearing red lipstick is seen twirling an oversized lollipop in her mouth, while a husky female voice purrs in the background: “we are the f–king coolest private army in the world.”
“We are recruiting fighters from all regions of Russia.
“Don’t whack off, go work for PMC Wagner.”
To be perfectly honest, I won’t slam Russia for scraping the bottom of the barrel.
After all the maximum age for joining the US Navy, US Air Force, US Space Force is a grand-parent friendly 39-years-old.
If you’re curious, here’s the maximum enlisted age for all the other military services;
US Army – 35
US Coast Guard – 31
US Marine Corps – 28
ЗМІ звернули увагу на те, що ПВК “Вагнер”, власником якого є Євген Пригожин, почали рекламувати на популярному порносайті Pornhub (18+). pic.twitter.com/pXfiXq2jrI
Just to make things clear, I’m not a Ron DeSantis hater. Personally, I really admire the job he’s done keeping the state of my birth free, safe and prosperous.
Good ol’ Sandy Cortez. Oops, I mean Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Remember when she claimed that Israel was an occupying military force on the West Bank as well as an “apartheid state.”
Die Geheime Staatspolizei. Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling, US Army.
“Keep the pressure on…” – Christopher Schilling, US Army.
Americans usually shake their heads in disgust whenever British, Chinese, Canadian, or Russian officials arrest someone for an offending post to social media.
Hey gang, time to stop looking down on those petty thugs overseas. The Secret State Police have come to America.