(VIDEO) Secretary of Defense Austin Admits Americans ‘BEATEN’ by Taliban Jihadists

Remember when the Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung promised the American people that his organized crime gang administration would be the most transparent in US history? Yeah… I remember that too.

But for whatever bizarre reason, one of the more liberal news organization, Politico, is reporting that in a phone conference with House leaders, the Secretary of Defense (and ex-commander of CENTCOM) Lloyd Austin has confirmed that Taliban jihadists have been beating American citizens still trapped in Kabul.

As reported by Politico’s Andrew Destrderio, Heather Caygle and Lara Seligman (emphasis mine);

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told lawmakers Friday that Americans trying to leave Afghanistan have been beaten by Taliban fighters, according to several people who participated in a briefing call with Austin and other top officials.

Austin’s remarks to House members appeared to directly contradict President Joe Biden’s assessment from minutes earlier, in which Biden said the U.S. was not aware of Americans having trouble getting through Taliban checkpoints and to the airport in Kabul — the only evacuation point in the country for Americans and Afghan allies.

During the briefing call, Austin called the reports of Taliban beatings “unacceptable,” but did not elaborate on efforts to ensure Americans’ safe passage to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan’s capital city.

“We’re also aware that some people, including Americans, have been harassed and even beaten by the Taliban,” Austin said on the call, according to multiple sources. “This is unacceptable and [we] made it clear to the designated Taliban leader.”

Take a Wild Guess Who Planted the ‘ISIS is the JV Team’ Seed into Obama’s Brain

Here’s the rhetorical question of the day: What do you do with the same dumb son-of-a-bitch who insinuated to the Commander-in-Chief that ISIS is really not that big of a deal?

Continue reading Take a Wild Guess Who Planted the ‘ISIS is the JV Team’ Seed into Obama’s Brain

(VIDEO) Peaceful Taliban Opens Fire on Crowd who Dared Wave Afghani Flag

Forget all the bullshit you’ve heard about in regards to the Taliban allowing women to stay in professional jobs and how they will still allow little girls to go to school. Continue reading (VIDEO) Peaceful Taliban Opens Fire on Crowd who Dared Wave Afghani Flag

Afghan Blast-Back: House, Senate Dems ALREADY Plan Hearings on Biden’s Afghan Disaster

Now I know what Julius Caesar may have felt like. Only thing missing is the sanguine-filled last-gasp words of “Et tu, Nancy?” Continue reading Afghan Blast-Back: House, Senate Dems ALREADY Plan Hearings on Biden’s Afghan Disaster

Forget About Pelosi’s 25th Amendment Plan, Conservatives Openly Discussing Booting Biden

Just a few short days ago, I penned an opinion piece regarding Nancy Pelosi’s not-so-secret plan to invoke the 25th Amendment when she feels the time is right. Continue reading Forget About Pelosi’s 25th Amendment Plan, Conservatives Openly Discussing Booting Biden

Biden Addresses the Nation, Finds New Way to Say, ‘We’re Running Away as Fast as We Can’

Confused. Biden slurs his way through address to the nation.

WARNING: Video of people falling to their deaths while attempting to escape Taliban…

President Trump had a plan for the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan, to include a power sharing plan between the Kabul government and the Taliban, as well as a 2,500 man security force to remain in country. Continue reading Biden Addresses the Nation, Finds New Way to Say, ‘We’re Running Away as Fast as We Can’

(VIDEO) Nancy Pelosi’s Not-So-Secret Plan to Kick Biden Out of the White House

President Trump warned us of this back in October…

Almost a year ago, if you would have blinked, you just might have missed it. Yeah, the media paid attention to this for about 15 minutes. Continue reading (VIDEO) Nancy Pelosi’s Not-So-Secret Plan to Kick Biden Out of the White House

Murdered Chicago Cop Ella French: Mayor Lightfoot, Top Cop Get Her Name WRONG; #2 Cop, ‘We Don’t Have 20 Mins For This Sh*t’

Killed in the line of duty… disrespected in death.

Anyone who would have the audacity to tell me that at least three of the top law enforcement officials in the city of Chicago actually care about murdered Officer Ella French, I’d have to tell the individual in question to kindly go to Hell.

Gunned-down recently during a routine traffic stop, Ofc. French was killed by a gunshot to the head, and her partner was reportedly seriously wounded by multiple gunshots (name of the wounded officer has not been released to the general pubic as of yet). Continue reading Murdered Chicago Cop Ella French: Mayor Lightfoot, Top Cop Get Her Name WRONG; #2 Cop, ‘We Don’t Have 20 Mins For This Sh*t’

(VIDEO) Antibodies and You: Spanish Flu Survivors STILL Producing Protective Antibodies

Digging mass graves for Spanish Flu victims.

When the Spanish Flu ravished the planet from 1917 until 1921, no one really has a solid number of how many lives it took. After all, communications at the beginning of the 20th century were still fairly crude by today’s standards. Continue reading (VIDEO) Antibodies and You: Spanish Flu Survivors STILL Producing Protective Antibodies

Ilhan Omar’s Spox Claims that Pro-Israel Group’s Ad Places her ‘Life at Risk’

I’ve heard some lame accusations in the past, but the one coming out of Rep. Ilhan Omar office is beyond lame. This qualifies as childish whining, and that’s putting it mildly. Continue reading Ilhan Omar’s Spox Claims that Pro-Israel Group’s Ad Places her ‘Life at Risk’