San Francisco Monkeypox Injections: Straight White Folks to the Back of the Line

“The three gay guys, no problem. The straight white chick, no way.”
Dear City of San Francisco Department of Public Health, thank you for not prioritizing heterosexuals whose family lineage is European. In full disclosure, I will say that at least half of my bloodlines are from the Mariana Islands of the Western Pacific. Continue reading San Francisco Monkeypox Injections: Straight White Folks to the Back of the Line

(VIDEO) Irreversible Gender Surgery: Major Medical Associations Ask Biden’s Badged Thugs to ‘Investigate and Prosecute’ Parents, Journalists

Whatever this is… you’re never getting them back, sweetheart.
As disturbing as it sounds, it’s true. The scary thing is this; I can see the DoJ actually following through with this garbage. Continue reading (VIDEO) Irreversible Gender Surgery: Major Medical Associations Ask Biden’s Badged Thugs to ‘Investigate and Prosecute’ Parents, Journalists

(Video) Latest Marine Corps Recruiting Commercial is Nothing Short of Embarrassing

Today’s new, woke Marine Corps needs you.

I recently had a rather interesting conversation with a family member who, unfortunately, has bought off on all that “Boss Chick” bullshit that Hollywood revisionists attempt to rewrite history. Continue reading (Video) Latest Marine Corps Recruiting Commercial is Nothing Short of Embarrassing

Raw Video: FDNY EMT Brutally Murdered on the Streets of New York City

While New York City mayor was still yukking it up how the people from Kansas (and presumably the rest of Fly-Over Country) fail to have a “Brand”, Lt. Alison Russo of the FDNY was literally butchered to dead in Astoria, Queens, NY. Continue reading Raw Video: FDNY EMT Brutally Murdered on the Streets of New York City

(VIDEO) Like Sheep to Slaughter: Russian Reservists Already in Ukraine

That’s gonna leave a mark.
I’ll readily admit that I’m not really as knowledgeable of how the Russian armed forces structures are in regard to their reserve forces, but I will state in reasonable confidence that they are massively screwing up. Continue reading (VIDEO) Like Sheep to Slaughter: Russian Reservists Already in Ukraine

Obama Plays the Race Card, Predictably Fails Miserably

Interesting article from my old hometown newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune from last month.
As it turns out, Mr. Awesome was giving a speech and subsequent Q-and-A session at “San Diego’s annual L’Attitude conference at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. The event spotlights Latino business, innovation and consumers.”
But here’s the Obama quote that really caught my eye (emphasis mine);

“Right now, the biggest fuel behind the Republican agenda is related to immigration and the fear that somehow America’s character is going to be changed if, people of darker shades, there are too many of them here.”

Hmm… so, here’s a guy whose only constant in his childhood was three white people (Mom, Grandma and Grandpa), now he’s going to warn us of those evil, evil Republicans.
Interestingly enough, in a recent interview on the Todd Starnes radio show, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) also had quite the notable quotable (emphasis mine);

Legal migration strengthens the country. When people go through a process, and they respect the laws and the rules of the country they want to become a part of. But allowing them to cut the line so those good people.

By the way, there are 3.8 million people across the world who didn’t come to this country legally, 95% of them are people of color. So, when the left injects race into this argument it’s absurd and ludicrous and we need to know our facts and we can throw it back in the face and, you know, tell people the truth.”

But in all fairness to him, Barack Obama never was one known to ever tell the truth.

(VIDEO) Crazed Karen Goes into COMPLETE Melt-Down Over a Man Who Called Her Out for Cutting in Line

As delicate as butterfly wings, as unhinged as a Berserker.
If you have young kids or those offended by crude language, then DON’T play the Twitter video at the end of this article.
But first, some background. Continue reading (VIDEO) Crazed Karen Goes into COMPLETE Melt-Down Over a Man Who Called Her Out for Cutting in Line

(VIDEO) Eejit of the Week: Anti-Fossil Fuel Activist Sets Himself on Fire with Fossil Fuel

Oh, the irony.
Known to the world by the mononym of Kai, it’s a safe bet young Kai has never been introduced to the wonderful world of eating dead animals, but that’s just me. Continue reading (VIDEO) Eejit of the Week: Anti-Fossil Fuel Activist Sets Himself on Fire with Fossil Fuel

(VIDEO) China Coup Attempt? Rumors Swirl of Xi Jinping Under House Arrest, Military Takeover

All of the above. Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Chairman of the Central National Security Commission, Leader of the Central Leading Group for National Defence and Military Reform of the Central Military Commission, and finally, Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Battle Command of the People’s Liberation Army, Xi Jinping.
While most American news junkies are focused on Vladimir Putin getting his ass-kicked by the Ukrainians, many of us are also paying special attention to the Russian president not only calling up 300,000 reservists, but also waving his nuclear sword at both Kiev and NATO in general. Continue reading (VIDEO) China Coup Attempt? Rumors Swirl of Xi Jinping Under House Arrest, Military Takeover

(VIDEO) Semper Something ‘er Other: Space Force Unveils Their Official Jingle

In space, no one can hear you sing.
What do you do with a branch of the armed forces that doesn’t know the pointy end of the bullet goes in first?
Actually, there’re two answers:

Continue reading (VIDEO) Semper Something ‘er Other: Space Force Unveils Their Official Jingle