Thorn in Francis’ Side; Archbishop Viganò Brands Globalism as ‘Rise of the Antichrist’

Abp. Viganò calls out The Beast.

It’s been long known that Archbishop Carlos Viganò is a staunch political ally of Donald Trump, regardless of Trump himself being somewhat of a lukewarm Presbyterian. Continue reading Thorn in Francis’ Side; Archbishop Viganò Brands Globalism as ‘Rise of the Antichrist’

Sanctuary Shmanctuary; New Jersey Guv Backstabs New York City Mayor

Honest to God, I just cannot fathom why any thinking person would knowingly, willingly, and intelligently vote for any Democrat. Continue reading Sanctuary Shmanctuary; New Jersey Guv Backstabs New York City Mayor

Not Passing the Smell Test – Crooked Joe’s Thousands of Gov’t Protected ‘Alias Emails’

Who’s really at the top of this shake-down pyramid?

With age, I really am making an honest effort to keep from running with whatever knee-jerk reaction I should happen upon. Continue reading Not Passing the Smell Test – Crooked Joe’s Thousands of Gov’t Protected ‘Alias Emails’

(VIDEO) Smelly Hippies Attempt Take-Over of Section of Paiute Reservation; Tribal Rangers Open Can of Whoop-Ass

Heap big can of whoop-ass.

For those of us who’ve ever lived anywhere near an Indian Reservation, we know that breaking the law, even a speeding ticket, is quite different from violating the law on non-tribal land. Continue reading (VIDEO) Smelly Hippies Attempt Take-Over of Section of Paiute Reservation; Tribal Rangers Open Can of Whoop-Ass

(VIDEO) Leftie Protestors Love Destroying Artistic and Architectural Things of Beauty

A bright spot in the Southern sky.

As usual, for some news that’s actually newsworthy, I had to go beyond the borders of my own nation. Of course, my all-time favorite, Sky News Australia. Continue reading (VIDEO) Leftie Protestors Love Destroying Artistic and Architectural Things of Beauty

Fox News Republican Debate; The Numbers are In and It Doesn’t Look Good for FNC

Oh, yeah… Trump won the GOP so-called “debate” last night, even though he was nearly 1,000 miles driving distance away from Milwaukee. Continue reading Fox News Republican Debate; The Numbers are In and It Doesn’t Look Good for FNC

(VIDEO) The One-Fingered Salute; Maui Residents to Joe Biden; ‘F— You!’

Ship of state in distress.

This isn’t Thibodaux, Louisiana. This isn’t Littlefield, Colorado. This isn’t Summerville, South Carolina. This isn’t Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Continue reading (VIDEO) The One-Fingered Salute; Maui Residents to Joe Biden; ‘F— You!’

‘Not a Joke’: Biden Falls Asleep, Tells ANOTHER Lie to Maui Survivors

Snoozin’ with Joe. All those vacations must be kicking his ass.

I mentioned to my better-half just yesterday that the only thing worse than a liar is a liar who believes their own bullshit lies. Continue reading ‘Not a Joke’: Biden Falls Asleep, Tells ANOTHER Lie to Maui Survivors