Need Further Proof that the United States has Two Different Tiers of Justice?

Lady Justice has just been raped and murdered.

If you’re reading this, please share it far and wide.

After all, Sen. Josh Hawley is screaming the obvious for all the world to see what a Third-World tin-pot dictatorship the United States has become.

So much for even pretending that “justice” is still a thing.

The killing of Lady Justice.

The really stunning part… supposedly intelligent people will still defend the #BidenCrimeFamily; vote for Joe Biden; and give their own money to a criminal syndicate who’s already shaken-down foreign countries for millions.

The bottom line: Hunter just got away with it all.

By the way, any further charges against Hunter Biden – if they’re tied to the two tax charges he’s pleading guilty to (regardless of how severe they are), he has ZERO to worry about.

Why? He’s now PROTECTED because of double jeopardy. That’s why.

(VIDEO) San Francisco Shopping Centers ‘Too Dangerous’ for ABC Reporter to Visit

San Francisco’s “human waste” map.

San Francisco. A city so filthy, so disgusting, the city that was once known as “The Paris of the West” had its own interactive map to warn residents and tourists alike of the literal mounds of human feces deposited by the thousands upon thousands of bums, criminals, and psychotics living on the streets. Continue reading (VIDEO) San Francisco Shopping Centers ‘Too Dangerous’ for ABC Reporter to Visit

(VIDEO) Dems Say the Silent Part Out-Loud: ‘[Trump] Needs to be Shot’

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands).

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) just so happens to be the Democrat Party’s Ranking Member of the US House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. She also REALLY screwed-up during her recent appearance on MSNBC. Continue reading (VIDEO) Dems Say the Silent Part Out-Loud: ‘[Trump] Needs to be Shot’

(VIDEO) Well, You Don’t See That Everyday: Little League Triple in the Bigs

Yes, I’m a Padres fan. One of the few east of the Mississippi. Wait… who am I kidding? One of the few east of the Colorado River.

But there was a play today that I have to share with the world. Continue reading (VIDEO) Well, You Don’t See That Everyday: Little League Triple in the Bigs

(VIDEO) That’s It – I’m Now Officially Calling This Elder Abuse

Which way do I go, which way do I go?

He slurs his way through the word “say,” instead pronouncing it like shay.

He’s incapable of correctly pronouncing “photographer.” How Biden manages to flip-flop vowels and magically add consonants is verbal jiu-jitsu in its highest form.

He has obvious trouble completing the sentence, “Don’t make a li…” I guess catching Freudian slips must be the only part of his brain that is still hitting on all cylinders.

The supposed line, “Dog-faced lyin’ pony soldier” is in no John Wayne movie… ever. By the way, who in the hell is a Jzhaahn Wayne?

Lastly, for a guy who is supposedly a staunch Irish-Catholic (never mind that his surname and middle names are traced back to hard-core English blue-blooded Protestants, as well as consistently violating even the basics of the Church), what in the world could possibly possess him to invoke the British monarchy before not knowing which direction he should exit the stage?

Judge Aileen Cannon: Get Ready for the ‘SHE’S A TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGE!’ Lie

Personally, I have the distinct impression that the presiding judge in the latest farce brought against President Trump is going to throw the whole thing out. Continue reading Judge Aileen Cannon: Get Ready for the ‘SHE’S A TRUMP APPOINTED JUDGE!’ Lie

(VIDEO) Joe Strikes Again; Trans-Pacific Railway to be Built ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

Riden’ with Biden…

There’s an I-95 overpass in Pennsylvania that the Democrats have already admitted that it will take “several months” to repair. Continue reading (VIDEO) Joe Strikes Again; Trans-Pacific Railway to be Built ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

The GOP had the votes to HAMMER Schiff, but…

We all remember Adam Schiff literally lying to the American people in regard to him having evidence against President Trump in the proven-fake Russian Collussion scandal.

It took a newly elected member of the House of Representatives to figuratively have the ‘nads to actually do something about it. Continue reading Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

(VIDEO) Did Biden Just Admit to Having Stolen Classified Documents from 49-Years Ago?

Go back to sleep, Joe.

During his entire professional career, Joe Biden has lived off the taxpayer teat. Well, there was one year that he worked for a private law firm, but the essential truth is that Biden has been sucking off of the taxpayers for the past 53-years. Continue reading (VIDEO) Did Biden Just Admit to Having Stolen Classified Documents from 49-Years Ago?

Aussie TV’s Rita Panahi: ‘His Son Did Not Die in Iraq, and Should Stop Lying About It’

“This man belongs in a nursing home, not the White House.” – Rita Panahi.

If you’re unfamiliar with Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia, do yourself a favor… subscribe to her Youtube channel. Continue reading Aussie TV’s Rita Panahi: ‘His Son Did Not Die in Iraq, and Should Stop Lying About It’