For the Love of God, Don’t Let This Idiot See What He Did (Sarcasm, Off)

Creepy Joe just bein’ Creepy Joe.

As I recently noted, the city government of El Paso, Texas, (and the feds, too?) made a mad dash to clean-up the local caminos and avenidas awash in makeshift homeless encampments before Sleepy Joe blew into town. Continue reading For the Love of God, Don’t Let This Idiot See What He Did (Sarcasm, Off)

(VIDEO) Overcrowded Illegal Alien Camps to be Cleared by Police Before Biden Visit

Turning up the Creep Factor to 11.

Not since the Musahar people of India (whose name literally translates to “rat eaters”) were forced by their own government to bathe and perfume themselves before a visit by some high ranking muckety muck, have we seen such a display of putting the best face forward prior to a visit by a clueless politician. Continue reading (VIDEO) Overcrowded Illegal Alien Camps to be Cleared by Police Before Biden Visit

Rise of the Rebels; How Kevin McCarthy Brought the Revolt Down upon Himself

Just my personal opinion, but there are less than a two dozen legislators in the US House of Representative who honestly give a damn about We The People. Continue reading Rise of the Rebels; How Kevin McCarthy Brought the Revolt Down upon Himself

‘Lord, I Love You’: The Late Pope Benedict XVI Slams Joe Biden From the Grave

Donning his Capella Romano, Pope Benedict greets the faithful.

By now everyone is aware that HH Benedict XVI has died. As reported, his final words were, “Signore, ti amo’ (Lord, I love you).

The man who reinforced traditional Catholic dogma and theology, as well as freeing the Traditional Latin Mass saw his work slowly but surely being undone by his successor. Continue reading ‘Lord, I Love You’: The Late Pope Benedict XVI Slams Joe Biden From the Grave

Republic of Korea; America’s 21st Century Vassal State

Let Koreans defend Korea.

Did you know that America has roughly 23,000 troops in Korea? Digging a little deeper, did you know that the Republic of Korea (ROK or simply “South Korea”) has over four million (600,000 active, 3.5 million reserve) troops?

Now comes the crazy part – did you know that for the past 7+ decades, overall command of ALL those troops is a US Army general? Continue reading Republic of Korea; America’s 21st Century Vassal State

(Video) Japan to Re-Militarize; Increase Military Spending to One-Third of a Trillion Dollars

Re-emergence of Japan’s version of our Marine Corps.

I have a love/hate relationship with Japan. On one hand, I have a great respect for the cultural emphasis on education, teamwork and responsibility.

I recall seeing a 165-yard cracking and cratering of a section of the Great Kanto Highway that was destroyed in the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. In a mere six-days, Japanese engineers and construction workers finished repairs that made that same 165-yards damaged road to a better state than before the natural disasters. Continue reading (Video) Japan to Re-Militarize; Increase Military Spending to One-Third of a Trillion Dollars

‘Escape From New York’ Moment; NYC’s Electric Garbage Trucks Can’t Handle the Snow

I’m not quite sure how true this is, but I once read of an old Russian proverb that said, “People get the government they deserve.”

Who knows, the true origin of this could be anyone from Plato to Gavin McInnes. Continue reading ‘Escape From New York’ Moment; NYC’s Electric Garbage Trucks Can’t Handle the Snow

Ukraine vs. Russia: Miss Universe Throwdown

Glam shots… but are babushkas and turnip farming in their futures?

How awkward is that? Possibly not since the Miss Israel/Miss (Insert Name of Moslem Nation Here) run-in of… oh, forever… has there been this great of the likelihood of fisticuffs on the runway. Continue reading Ukraine vs. Russia: Miss Universe Throwdown

(VIDEO) Englishwoman Arrested for Silently Praying in Front of Abortuary

Just me, but I think the West overall is well beyond the tipping point. Orwell was right and most Westerners are either too stupid or too lazy to give a damn. Continue reading (VIDEO) Englishwoman Arrested for Silently Praying in Front of Abortuary

(VIDEOS) Buffalo Blizzard: ‘White Boys’ and ‘Ay-Rabs’ Open Fire on Looters

As everyone is already aware, the good people of the Greater Buffalo Metropolitan Area are getting blasted by what some are calling a generational blizzard. Continue reading (VIDEOS) Buffalo Blizzard: ‘White Boys’ and ‘Ay-Rabs’ Open Fire on Looters